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Comic Book Eras

We could also look at sizes (dimensions) of the books. Silver age books are a different size (width) than bronze, copper, and modern ages. And golden age are a bit wider than silver. I do think there were some years that overlapped a bit though. So I guess it would still cause some confusion, much like I am now.
Comic Book Eras

I agree with Oxbladder. Comics are never over produced. I think what happened in the 90's crash is that the market was just too slow to respond to the sudden decrease in demand. Of course the publishers will milk any and all trends. The publishers are in it to make money and to keep the board of investors happy. You really can't fault them for that. The publishers have a completely different mind set from the artists and writers. The artists are writers typically view their work as getting paid for doing what they love to do (unless your name is Greg Land, in which case you get paid to photoshop other people's work and claim it as your own. But that's a different topic altogether).

I think we are seeing an all-new repeat of the trendy crap that defined the 90's in the form of variant covers. I don't even buy any new comics. In fact, the last new comic I bought off the stand at my LCS was X-Men (Volume 3) #1. There were two reasons why: It was the first all-female team. And I bought one variant cover, 1C, because it had the Deadpool zombie Abbey Road cover (I'm a huge fan of the Beatles). Other than that, no new comics. I went there just yesterday to get a new short box and to browse through the back issues, and just out of curiosity I looked at the new release shelves. Too many to keep up with, and almost every hot, trending title had at least three variant covers. But again, I can't blame the publishers for wanting to milk the trend for all it's worth.
The first Black Panther sells for $90,000

Is there a Black Panther movie in the works or something?
Tidewater Comicon 2016

Well, I went to my first ever comicon at the ripe old age of 40 this weekend. Yeah, I know... it is kinda weird that I have been reading and collecting comics for 28 years and just now went to my first comicon. It was pretty cool. I took my wife and both of my sons as well as my youngest daughter (7). I'm pretty sure out of that group, I had the most fun. My wife only went because she wanted to be supportive of me in one of my main hobbies, though I think it had more to do with her making sure I didn't spend any money. My daughter was bored out of her mind. My oldest son (18) went off on his own, probably so he could check out all the cosplay women. And my 14 year old ran into a friend of his from school and took off with him to look at the video game crap.

There were so many comics there! I was on cloud 9, but I just couldn't make my mind up on buying anything, so I actually left empty handed. However, there were some really cool cosplayers (not my thing, but it was still neat to see). There was the inevitable multiple Deadpools, but none of them were doing anything entertaining at all.

The special celebrity guests left much to be desired. Ernie Hudson, Brian O'Halloran and Carla Ghigliotti, from Clerks fame, and one of the Yellow Power Rangers. The crazy thing about it, and I'm sure this was normal, was that they were charging $30 a pop just to shake their hand and take a picture with them with your own camera or cell phone! Autographed pictures were $60! Crazy!

The highlight of the day for me, though, was meeting and talking to Joe Rubenstein, the inker for the Wolverine mini series (like you didn't already know). What a cool guy! I was wearing a Beatles shirt, so he told me a Beatles story that he had. Apparently he was/is friends with one of the past managers for the Beatles and Jimi Hendrix. And the kicker was that I didn't have to pay $30 to talk to him! Ha! Take that, Ernie Hudson! I didn't get a picture with him though. I felt kinda awkward about asking him that because I didn't want to come off as a typical fanboy autograph-hound.

All-in-all, it was a great experience, and I am sure I will go to another one eventually.
How long should 10,000+ comics take to download...

Where are you downloading them from? Inquiring minds want to know! I usually prefer real comic books, but I'm going out to sea soon and can't take paper copies because I have no room to store them.
comicbookpriceguide drives me nuts. MISSING ISSUES

Dude, I can understand your frustration and all, but take into consideration the sheer number of comics there are out there in the world and realize just how many this site actually has listed... and has cover scans for. All the comics you listed as missing are comicon exclusive editions with very limited runs. I think it's safe to say that the staff at this site does not have the time and resources available to attend every single comicon and buy copies (or take photos of the covers at least) of every single exclusive edition comic out there. If you have copies of those then do the staff a solid and scan the covers and send it to them and then provide them with enough info to add them into the database.

As for the other things you mentioned, I'm sure the techs are hard at work trying to fix all the bugs in the database. The best we can all do is just be patient and not get frustrated with them. As far as browsers go, I personally avoid Edge like the plague as I find it to be only a moderate step up from IE. I use Chrome and FireFox and don't have many issues at all.
Thoughts on the new Mister Miracle?

Personally, I think DC FINALLY got it right. I have been a huge fan of Mister Miracle since I first started collecting. Mister Miracle (Vol 2) #7 was one of the first comics I bought. Picked it up right off the rack in a K&B drug store (Anyone remember those?) and immediately was hooked. I have read all of the issues in Volume 1. Kirby did good overall, but I still felt it was lacking. Volume 2 I came to realize suffered from the same silliness as Justice League America/Europe during that time frame, but I still loved them. Volume 3 was decent, though too short-lived. However, I have been completely blown away by the art and writing in Volume 4. It's billed as a maxi series, but I am hoping DC takes it further.
Hot New Issues

I just received a copy of Teen Titans #12c Stjepan Sejic foil variant cover, which is a limited 3,000 copy variant. This is the first appearance of The Batman Who Laughs.

I'm also awaiting a shipment with Teen Titans Special #1 which is the first cameo appearance of TBWL, and

Teen Titans #20a (regular cover) 20b (Kamome Shirahama variant) and 20c (the more in demand Jorge Jimenez variant cover). This is the first appearance of Lobo's daughter Crush.

Also, Catwoman vol. 5 #4 Stanley Artgerm Lau cover. I'm not a huge Catwoman fan, but the cover is absolutely beautiful.
Hot New Issues

True. I have been out of the game for a while until I recently came across a YouTube channel called "Comic Tropes". Watched a few episodes and the spark got reignited. I heard about Crush (Lobo has always been one of my favorites in the DCU) and TBWL and I wanted to look further into them. I went on Midtown Comic's website and that is where I saw the Catwoman Lau issue. That cover blew my mind! It may never go beyond $5 in value, but just having it for that cover alone is worth it to me. The man is an amazing artist.
Is it time to boycott Marvel? Has anyone already?

brianpeppers wrote:
but James Gunn came from Troma Films where he made some of the most offensive, violent, and perverted films ever.

Can't disagree there, but I will say that I love the Toxic Avenger movies.
The Spider-Verse is Hot

I loved Peter Porker when I was a kid! Both the Marvel Tails and PPSSH are sold out at Midtown Comics. I would love to pick up a copy of each, so maybe I will check out eBay and hope for the best.
Halloween starring Jamie Lee Curtis 2018

I was not planning on watching this movie to begin with. But now after reading your review I definitely will not be watching it. I loved the original Halloween. I'm also one of the minority of people who actually thought Rob Zombie's remake was really good. But enough is enough.
Gilgandra Back Issues 2.0

Gilgandra wrote:

Ghost Rider #15, Vol.3. July 1991. One of my favorite covers.

Love this cover as well! I picked up a copy off the newsstand when it first came out. The glow-in-the-dark flames on the cover was what captured my eye. I had the bright idea of trying to use it to scare my older brother one night while he was sleeping. It didn't work, but he did use it as an excuse to beat me up. Lol. Fun times.
Variant covers: How many is too much?

Good day! I recently watched a YouTube video presenting the hosts view on a hot new upcoming antagonist for the new Fantastic Four series (vol 6). He specifically talked about his suggestion to pick up the #1 variant Lucio Parrillo covers (both). Very nice cover art to say the least. I was interested, so I searched on eBay and went here to the price guide to see how closely the prices matched. Upon my search here I counted 65 variant covers for #1, including the 2nd print! 65!!! Now, I'm not sure if that is a record or not, but that is crazy! And some of them were already listed in the $200 to $400 range.

So how many variants for an issue do you feel is too much? And do you like or dislike variant covers?

Me personally, my first experience with variant covers was Image's Gen 13 #1 when it came out back in the 90's. There were 13 variants at the time, and I felt that was kind of silly, but I see where they were going with it. I tried to get them all, but I was but a broke young lad at the time and simply could not afford it as a few of them were a bit pricey. Personally, I don't have a problem with variant covers, but there does seem to be a lot of them lately. It seems to me it would be challenging yet frustrating to collect.
Variant covers: How many is too much?

I appreciate the replies! There are some very good opinions. I agree with everything that has been said. It truly does seem that the variant covers is a big thing now and will be around for a while. I have long since left my days of collecting for the sheer numbers and have moved on to going for key issues and artwork. This is why I am in fact guilty of buying a few variant covers recently myself, namely Catwoman vol. 5 #4 Stanley Lau cover. The artwork for that cover just blew me away. So whether it goes up in value at all or not doesn't matter much to me.
Batman #47 (Must Kill Booster Gold)

What the? I like Booster Gold! How can they do this? Man, I tell you what, the cover for Mister Miracle (vol 2) # 7 (with Booster and Blue Beetle) was what first attracted me to collecting comics when I was a young lad!
Printing defects and affects on Grading

I have an issue of Conan the Barbarian #63 where the cover, front and back, only has blue, black, and yellow inks instead of the full color compliment. I have searched high and low to see if this is a known defect or just a single issue that somehow made it through the printing press and quality control without being noticed and have so far found no information on it.

My wife insisted we go see the movie. I can't for the life of me imagine why. Haha! I joked with her and asked why she wasn't so insistent to go when Wonder Woman came out. She of course said, "Why would I want to go see that?"
Anyway, about the movie... As with most of the super hero movies from the past few years, I thought it was waaaayyyyyy tooooooooooo loooooooonnnnnngggg! It could have easily been shortened by at least 20 minutes and still gotten the story across. I really like Jason Momoa. I liked him as Conan because he was made to look almost exactly how my favorite artist, John Buscema, drew him. I think he was a solid pick for the role of Aquaman. I'm just glad they didn't give him that ridiculous harpoon hand.
Overall the movie was great. However, I do like the Justice League movie better.
Marvels "The Nam"

+1 for the $1 bin at local comic shops.
What are you currently collecting?

Back when I first started collecting I was more interested in bulking up a collection because I thought the more the merrier was the way to go. I was a kid and didn't have my own money, so of course seeking out high price comics was out of the question. Of late, now that I am in my 40's, I have become more interested in collecting as an investment and have been seeking out comics that I feel may or already have began going up in value.

However, there are still a few titles I love to this day that I am trying to complete the runs:

Animal Man (volume 1) - Love this series.
Justice League America/Europe - Love the art and the sometimes goofy humor.
Blue Beetle (volume 2) - One of my all-time favorite DC characters.
Mister Miracle (volume 2) - Only missing one to complete the run. Also one of my all-time favorite DC characters.
Mister Miracle (current maxi-series) - Great reboot.
New Mutants (volume 1) - Still wondering what I did with my copy of #98. I am sure I bought it when it first came out. Knowing me, I probably traded it off for something worthless like I did with my Uncanny X-Men #266. Boy did I ever make some boneheaded mistakes when I was a kid.
edited by stevegreer1 on 1/4/2019