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Concerning Secret Wars #8

collectibleshop wrote:

Well said.Plus people want it. Drives the price up.

For those of us with the history, it's pretty hard to fathom, isn't it? "Secret Wars" was really a pretty terrible storyline.

Now, we may or may not watch mediocre movies be made and drive the demand up even higher.

I watched New Mutants last month... sort of on par with the Venom movie, but it's not having a similar effect on early New Mutants books, I don't think.
New variant additions

Ronbatman wrote:
Just 50 hours? smile

Okay, so here's an idea:

Create a functionality that allows the users to add variants, along with a process for multi-party verification of the variant. Basically get the entire entry entered by the users, along with the image, and since it is a variant there's (probably) a limited amount of fields that can differ from the "base" book, (which needs to already exist in CPG).

The only slightly difficult part would be to prevent duplicate variants from reaching the CPG. Voting systems that depend on your most involved customers probably will work well, though, imo. From what I see, you have those customers, and you already have a mechanism that ranks their participation.

This is a fair amount of development work, no doubt. But the problem is getting kind of monstrous, right? Variant covers has become a huge gimmick used by so many publishers to get advance orders "up" and in-the-grand-scheme-of-it-all, the variants represent less value-added by the CPG staff when compared to adding actual new books.