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Uncanny X-men: Dark Phoenix Saga Paperback


I am having a heck of a time trying to find a price for this soft-cover version of The Uncanny X-men: Dark Phoenix Saga paperback.
Published by Marvel Comics around 1984.
It is about 185 pages and collects the story from the issues about Phoenix and Dark Phoenix.
The ISBN on the back is ISBN 0-939766-96-5.
The cover price is $6.95.

I see the hard-cover version come up, but not the soft cover.
There is an image of the soft-cover on this site, but it is slightly different than the one I have (the Marvel name in the top left corner.)
Attached is a photo of what I have.
Captain Canuck First Summer Special

Did a search for Captain Canuck and came across two series, but nothing that includes this one.

This one is from September 1980.
Published by First Publishing.
Cover Price 95 cents.

I think it was a one-shot publication. A second issue was planned but never happened.
Uncanny X-men: Dark Phoenix Saga Paperback

After going through many comics smoothly, with all prices immediately on the front page, I didn't think to investigate under some of the tabs.
And a search turned up all the series.
Anyhow, I am glad to find it.
Thank-you very much.
Old Life Magazine

Among my old comic collection I came across a copy of "Life" magazine: March 1985

Instead of throwing it straight into the garbage, I thought I'd ask members of this forum: Does this old issue have any value? Any idea who'd be interested in it?
Netflix Keeps Nagging me to Come Back

A bit of a vent here.

Since cancelling my Netflix account some time ago, they keep emailing me, trying to get me to reactivate my account.
At least once a week, I get an email from them, highlighting their new offerings and encouraging me to sign up again. But they still have nothing that catches my eye. And I don’t have a lot of time to watch TV anyhow.

I had tried Amazon Prime Video and Disney Plus too. Again, I got bored with their offerings and cancelled my accounts. I had watched several National Geographic shows, but there is only so many nature shows I can watch. I did watch Season One of “The Mandalorian”. May sign up again just to watch Season Two, but I haven’t made that decision yet. In any case, neither Amazon Prime Video nor Disney Plus keeps nagging me to come back. I wonder why the different policy? Though I do appreciate being left in peace.

Anybody else have the same experience? Why doesn’t Netflix just let it go?

</ end vent>
Interests in User Profile

A question of curiosity: when I click on a user name and look at their Public Profiles, I see two fields that are rarely used, "Interests" and "Homepage."
Actually, I haven't seen any user with anything in these fields--yet.
I haven't found an option to edit them and there is no mention of them in the FAQs.
Are these fields only accessible to Admins?
Or are they a carry-over from the old forums?
edited by DavidB52 on 11/8/2020
Interests in User Profile

Ronbatman wrote:

. . .
Forums, in general, are becoming outdated with all the social media options.
. . .

Hmmnn... True, but unfortunate. I find some forums to be excellent resources for interaction and asking questions. AFAIK, social media still doesn't provide convenient gathering places for special interests. I mean, if these forums were suddenly shut down, I have no idea where to ask questions about comics' prices and interact with other comic collectors. Facebook? Might take a lot of searches. Twitter? Again, it would take a lot of searching and time. And then to go through all the other social media platforms too. (I have never touched Instagram or SnapChat, so have no idea what they offer.)

This forum is useful. I think forums still have an important role to play in connecting like-minded people together. If they ever disappear entirely, I will be really disappointed (Not just talking about this one; talking about forums in general.)