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Posts: 673


Posts: 673
Loving your posts. I only have a complete series of the first volume of Teen Titans plus the keys of the other series of them.
Your Amazing Spiderman run sounds like a heck of a feat to say the least with only missing 26 books? Crazy cool.
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Posts: 487


Posts: 487
Great stuff Capn! (The Wonder Woman v.2 Byrne run is one of the worst runs in comics ( and one of his worst runs in comics). He very nearly killed the title.)
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Posts: 151


Posts: 151
You might think that the Spider-Man run is cool, but you have to keep in mind that when you are trying to complete a run, you either need patience or you need to spend a lot of money. Sadly, I had been choosing the latter for the first bit. Budget for the show is $300? How much Amazing Spider-Man will that buy me?

Oxbladder wrote:
Great stuff Capn! (The Wonder Woman v.2 Byrne run is one of the worst runs in comics ( and one of his worst runs in comics). He very nearly killed the title.)

John Byrne was one where I sort of saw that he went off the rails at some point. A few of the big names from days of old had the same thing, but Byrne was one who around the mid-90's seemed to just stop being the creator he was, and it happened all of a sudden (or maybe I just didn't notice that his run on Action Comics had as much weird stuff in it as it did), but I just remember loving his work and then it got terrible. Probably about the time of the Wonder Woman run, now that I think of it.
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Posts: 487


Posts: 487
It is too bad that Byrne got to believing he was great. It resulted in him never evolving as time went on. He has the skills but, sadly, he never could move on from the 80's upset
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Posts: 151


Posts: 151
Oxbladder wrote:
It is too bad that Byrne got to believing he was great. It resulted in him never evolving as time went on. He has the skills but, sadly, he never could move on from the 80's upset

I don't think it was as much that he thought he was great, I think he just fell into the trap that a bunch of creators fall into in a bunch of different mediums. They have something that's outstanding, and then they just keep trying to recreate that. And if they move into something a little different, they have success, but they are always trying to recapture that first huge success. See also: M. Night Shamylan (spell check is not going to be of any help there...). Or sometimes, it's just that they need to work with someone else to compliment their style (Byrne & Claremont, Elton John & Bernie Taupin, etc) and when they are on their own, they just don't have it. A lot of greats fall into that category.
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Posts: 151


Posts: 151
jokerbangedquinn wrote:
Loving your posts. I only have a complete series of the first volume of Teen Titans plus the keys of the other series of them.
Your Amazing Spiderman run sounds like a heck of a feat to say the least with only missing 26 books? Crazy cool.

Oh, ummm.... my bad... I was trying to get everything posted and then head out to a Super Bowl party. I'm only missing 26 issues between #200 and #700 (still a ton of books). I'm missing significantly more than 26 issues in the entire run. My database says 207, but that number includes issues where I am looking for a better condition copy or I have the 2nd printing and such. Because really, if I have the issue in 1.0 condition or something, I'm probably going to keep looking for a better copy, it just isn't as urgent. I think I would have been showing off way more if I had 674 of the 700 issues.
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Posts: 151


Posts: 151
One more Spider-Man:

You can really see the dust on my scanner bed in this one. The actual comic is probably 9.9. There is only a tiny little crease on the spine that doesn't even break the colour.

But let's move onto the Avengers. As nice as the Amazing Spider-Man collection is, I think Avengers is actually more impressive. I just have more small gaps. So, lets see what all I have that I have scanned...

A few months back, I ran across the border to get a collection of Silver Age Avengers like this one for $10 an issue. They were mostly in this sort of condition. Not bad, not great, but for $10 an issue, it's hard to complain.

I think I got this off eBay a while back. I don't really know, honestly. But hey, old Avengers.

I loved this storyline as a kid. I think this was actually the first time I ever upgraded a comic for condition reasons. I bought a beat up one for $5 at a con and then, found this one on eBay. So, may as well get rid of the ratty one.

And the next issue is pretty good, too. First new Black Knight. Also an eBay purchase.

This was not from eBay. This was from the $1900 collection. I wonder what all I'm going to end up showing off from this collection by the time everything else is said and done... He had a few old comics that he had bought, this being one of them. Not exactly in great condition, but it's still one of my most valuable issues.

This is from that same $10 each cross border collection. The reds in this cover really didn't hold up well. But it's still a decent comic.

I've owned this one for a while. Probably came from eBay. Always like the Vision....

I found this one in a collection and thought, "Hey, decent reader copy, I guess...." Then I opened it and saw that the issue has coupons and such cut out. So I upgraded it during my last trip to my LCS. I don't ever begrudge damage that came from reading the comics, like creases, fingerprints and the like. Comics were supposed to be read, after all. But cutting pieces out of it? Writing on it? That just bugs me.

First Scott Lang. Not bad condition, but definitely not high grade. High Grade is VF or higher, right? Database says I bought it for $3. Probably at a con.

Also from the $1900 collection. The collection had a rather hefty run of Avengers from the early 80's, so I got a nice expansion to my run and filled in some gaps. Plus, hey, first Taskmaster.

This one was in the collection, too, but it's from my collection. I picked up most of this run at one con or another many years ago.

And the first Nebula, bought for under a buck. Won't find that deal on eBay anymore....

I actually have a bunch more Avengers scanned, but there are only so many that I feel I should post. I have a LOT of Avengers. I started collecting during Heroes Reborn and didn't stop until I stopped collecting around the time of Siege. Though a bunch of that is New & Mighty and such... But still, database says that the run up to Disassembled is about 2/3rds complete.
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Posts: 673


Posts: 673
CapnDoug wrote:
jokerbangedquinn wrote:
Loving your posts. I only have a complete series of the first volume of Teen Titans plus the keys of the other series of them.
Your Amazing Spiderman run sounds like a heck of a feat to say the least with only missing 26 books? Crazy cool.

Oh, ummm.... my bad... I was trying to get everything posted and then head out to a Super Bowl party. I'm only missing 26 issues between #200 and #700 (still a ton of books). I'm missing significantly more than 26 issues in the entire run. My database says 207, but that number includes issues where I am looking for a better condition copy or I have the 2nd printing and such. Because really, if I have the issue in 1.0 condition or something, I'm probably going to keep looking for a better copy, it just isn't as urgent. I think I would have been showing off way more if I had 674 of the 700 issues. still have a great run of ASM even with missing issues. As you mentioned, needing money and patience is needed. That is what is fun of collecting any thing. If you have patience the reward can be great when after time of sticking at it, you finally complete a series or a run. Patience I have plenty of, the cash I have not.

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Posts: 487


Posts: 487
Nice bunch of Avengers!

(Actually, Byrne has often stated he is the only person who can do certain things. He's pretty much a jerk now.)
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Posts: 151


Posts: 151
I'm hoping to be able to make enough money off selling my duplicates at the cons this month to be able to justify adding more Avengers to my collection. Strangely, I don't seem to be having a ton of luck off the bulk buys in recent months with Avengers. They have mostly been condition upgrades, but few new issues. Which is odd, because I'm missing a bunch from the 90's. I have almost every issue released in the 80's but not much after the 30th anniversary.

Oxbladder wrote:
Nice bunch of Avengers!

(Actually, Byrne has often stated he is the only person who can do certain things. He's pretty much a jerk now.)

Doesn't Alan Moore say similar things? Come to think of it, even Steve Skroce said something similar, too... But yeah, a lot of writers fall into that same trap once they get big. Thinking they can do no wrong. Usually they are fine if you keep them away from the characters that made them famous, though.
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Posts: 487


Posts: 487
Avengers before Heroes reborn was actually quite good. I got quite a few people buying the title back then. FF too was good ... Until the last six issues before heroes reborn where they pretty much gave up on the title.
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Posts: 151


Posts: 151
Oxbladder wrote:
Avengers before Heroes reborn was actually quite good. I got quite a few people buying the title back then. FF too was good ... Until the last six issues before heroes reborn where they pretty much gave up on the title.

Really, it just came down to the fact that Marvel was going bankrupt at about the time and they wanted to boost sales of books that could do better, I think. I don't know. I was 12 when Heroes Reborn happened.

Anyway, it was a holiday weekend here so I got a lot of scanning done and went through the last of my 1000 bags and boards. Some scans are from the old forum, others are new. Here we go:

Speaking of relaunches... I think Marvel Knights had better quality, plus Christopher Priest, who I already knew from Quantum and Woody, and Mark Texiera. I minored in African History (so useful...) so I enjoyed a lot of Black Panther stuff in the next series. Thought they got it right what kind of nation Wakanda would have needed to be in the past to be the nation it is in the present.

I have some cool Cap's, although my buddy is huge into him. This one passed through several hands, though no money changed hands. My brother's friend, who got it from her dad, gave this to him back when we still had a joint collection, then when we divided up the collection, I got it. Because I was into X-Men and neither of us had much in the way of Captain America. Didn't realize it was so important until later.

I mentioned I got this in a collection buy recently. First Crossbones came in the same box as Sandman #1 at 50 cents an issue.

But in terms of good buys, nothing beats Daredevil. I bought a long box for $55 that was stuffed with Daredevil. Including this one. 15 cents an issue. I think I've told this story a few times... But it also included almost every issue from #168-#325, most in pretty high grade.

Some not so high, but still cool.

And the $1900 collection had a lot of Daredevil, too. So now my Daredevil Collection is probably up there with my Avengers, Amazing Spider-Man and Uncanny X-Men collections (that's going to come later).

Mostly showing this off since it's one of my more valuable books and if I ever do a Top 10 or something, I'm going to want a scan ready.

This was the last of the Elektra run that I needed. Found it in the $1900 collection. I use that term, really it just means I got a lot at once, and paid about 45% of graded guide value (though a lot of the things like Master of Kung Fu or ROM could have easily been found for $1 or less and not the $2-$4 the guide says, so... grain of salt)

First Typhoid Mary. Should go up in value, I'd think.

I remember thinking that the Wizard 1/2 comics were so cool. But I think they are still worth exactly what I paid for them. As is this baby:

I've got a lot more scanned, so let's make another post. I used to break them up and only do 3 or 4 covers a post on the old forums since they ran slow and I'd often lose the entire post if I took too long. Don't have that issue with the new forums! Just... 24 scans in a post is a bit much.
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Posts: 151


Posts: 151

Remember when Galactus was a badass? Pepridge Farms remembers... We don't have Pepridge Farms in Canada, I just know that from a Futurama joke. This was in the $1900 collection. Yeah, not all gems. And how does Dazzler have any business taking on Galactus?

Deadpool before it was a comedy thing...

And then after it became a comedy book, and people didn't care. I have all but the first storyline of this series up until the crossover with Black Panther. Never would have guessed that they would be worth something someday. Bought them for cover price, or close to it.

A nice Kirby book and the first appearance of the Celestials, apparently. This was in my most recent collection buy, which worked out to about 39 cents an issue.

I came late to Exiles, but was hooked easy. It's like "What if 'What If' mattered?" I have the complete first series now, bought for cover price or close to it.

Also Kirby... I'm getting a pretty decent FF collection, too. I mean, it pales in comparison to some other threads, but still some nice books. This came from a collection that a guy just wanted to get rid of. About 40 cents an issue.

Both of these are from the $1900 collection. The guy liked his Fantastic Four. And he had some good stuff in it. A lot of John Byrne Fantastic Four. Back when he was good, Ox!

Like this one! Also, an appropriate amount of force to attempt to take on Galactus... Power Pack? No.... I had all these before, though. An early back issue pick up.

When I was going through my brother's collection, I was shocked to find some old Hulks like these. Never knew he was into Hulk and I have no idea where he got them.

And some Todd McFarlane Hulk. This was one of the good things in the collection that looked like it had been in a flood.

I had an ad on Craigslist saying "I buy comics" and would get the occasional call about it (that's how I got the $1900 collection). One guy called me wanting to sell me a copy of Infinity Gauntlet #1 saying it was worth over $100. And some people are asking that, but I had just gotten this one for 50 cents. He said he would call me back. He never did.

Probably one of the best Inhumans stories I've ever read. I didn't get this off the rack the way I did with Daredevil, Black Panther and Black Widow, though.

I need to think up a pedigree name for that collection... Yet another great book from that collection.

So, there are 1000 bags and boards in a case. I was planning on stopping the scans after that was done until I get more (another case won't quite do it), but #1001 would have been this:

I'm not sure if I will be picking up another case soon or if I will wait. My girlfriend will be in town at the end of the month (Kairi likes Gil's movie thread), so I might not have the time, and I may also have other monetary priorities. On the plus side, she gets to be my lovely assistant at one of the shows.
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Posts: 158


Posts: 158
CapnDoug wrote:

Also Kirby... I'm getting a pretty decent FF collection, too. I mean, it pales in comparison to some other threads, but still some nice books. This came from a collection that a guy just wanted to get rid of. About 40 cents an issue.


Ahem. I have no idea what other threads you may be referring to.

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Posts: 10


Posts: 10
Nice lot of comics. Fantastic Four comics are pretty fun to read and easy to collect. Personally I like the silver age FF series but those are pretty expensive to collect.
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Posts: 487


Posts: 487
Lots of nice books!
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Posts: 20


Posts: 20
CapnDoug wrote:
I'm not sure if I will be picking up another case soon or if I will wait. My girlfriend will be in town at the end of the month (Kairi likes Gil's movie thread), so I might not have the time, and I may also have other monetary priorities. On the plus side, she gets to be my lovely assistant at one of the shows.

Yay! I can't wait to be there again! Big Grin Yes, I do like that thread :P I look forward to getting to be an assistant at one of the shows! smile I'm sure it will be a lot of fun, and I am excited to go to one after not being able to for so long.
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Posts: 673


Posts: 673
Bump over spam
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Posts: 151


Posts: 151
So, let's see.... where did I leave off... Well, there were two conventions over the last two weekends. As much as I probably could have gone nuts and spent a fortune and spent every penny I made from selling my duplicates, I chose restraint. I just picked up some cheap comics to fill in my runs of Avengers, Uncanny X-Men and Amazing Adventures. But, between the two conventions, I also bought another collection. Had a lot of good stuff in there for me, and I'll be showing it off as I get everything entered and rebagged. Here we go...

I don't claim that many of my Amazing Adventures are in high grade. And I probably overpaid for the 1st Killraven up there (ok, definitely, according to CPG's prices), but I'm now only 2 issues away from having a full Killraven collection.

The collection contained a lot of Amazing Spider-Man issues like these that I needed. Not great condition, but still not too bad for a buck an issue. I also got a few condition upgrades in the early 200's in addition to knocking a half a dozen issues off my "look for" list.

Now Avengers is where I really stocked up with the collection. Between the conventions, the collection and a trip to my LCS, I added almost two dozen issues of Avengers to my collection.

Right now, the plan is to go through this collection, and get everything entered and rebagged, while posting highlights, then get back to the rebagging the remaining comics. So, I'll have a bunch of stuff to show off over the next week or so, I think.
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Posts: 1246


Posts: 1246
Ah yes! the "Spider-Buggy"...face palm

Nice books Doug!
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