March 2016 Volume 2 USA 16 Collected
Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #51
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March 2016
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 The Dying of the Light, Part 2: The Sun in Flight 
On the now-deceased Necrobot's planet, the stranded members of the Lost Light crew take shelter within the Necrobot's fortress as the forces of the Decepticon Justice Division pound on its walls. Presently, however, the attack stops, and a message is left burned into ground outside warning that the killers will return at sunset to finish the job. Tarn and Deathsaurus return to the Peaceful Tyranny, where Tarn shows off his collection of deceased miners (whose bodies were used by Terminus to smuggle Megatron's writings back from Messatine millions of years ago), and explains to an impatient Deathsaurus that they have granted the Autobots a temporary reprieve only as a form of vicarious torture, leaving them to work themselves into a frenzy of fear and anger before they are slain.

With communications cut off, the Autobots search the Necrobot's fortress from top to bottom, hoping to find weapons or a means of escape. Velocity and Swerve discover that the Necrobot's body has crumbled to dust, and find a key among the remains. While they leave to search for the door it opens, the others examine the only other promising discovery they have made: the quantum-tech teleport booth used by the Necrobot to travel across the galaxy. Nightbeat ascertains that it only has enough power to get them to a nearby asteroid, but that is good enough for everyone, and they are all about to travel through it when Velocity, Swerve, and Nautica return to reveal what they have discovered behind the mystery door—dozens of life support tubes containing comatose organic beings. Knowing that the D.J.D. will slaughter the organics if they leave them unguarded, the group talks things out; Brainstorm believes that all the good they have done, and will go on to do if they survive, balances the cosmic scales enough for them to leave the organics to their fate, but Megatron refuses to abandon any living creatures, and delivers an impassioned speech that convinces all assembled to stay and help him protect them. Swerve proposes stealing the D.J.D.'s ship and using it to transport themselves and all the pods to safety, so Ravage volunteers to leave the safety of the fortress and sniff out the ship's location. Before departing, he offers Megatron a communicator, and urges him to "talk to him"...

Aboard the Peaceful Tyranny, Tarn and Deathsaurus talk strategy with Tesarus, Vos, and Nickel, while the other members of the group establish a base camp elsewhere on the planet. Tarn dismisses the notion that the assembled Autobots could pose any threat, but Tesarus recognizes that the Necrobot's fortress has a storm-shield to protect it from extreme weather conditions, which could, with sufficient power, be upgraded to hold the D.J.D. off for days. Tarn insists there is no such power supply on the planet, but before an argument can kick off, his personal communicator rings—a communicator that only Megatron has the number for.

Megatron arranges to meet Tarn alone, and mounts a space scooter the Autobots have found in the fortress to travel to their meeting point. Before he leaves, Rodimus asks him why his famous hatred of organics has suddenly ceased to be an issue; Megatron explains that, when struck with the psychic attack earlier, he heard the screams of all the organic races he had obliterated during the war, and cannot live with allowing any more of them to die. Megatron then heads out to meet Tarn in the massive field of flowers surrounding his own statue, where he calmly and willingly surrenders to the D.J.D. leader.

Elsewhere, Ravage follows the scent of the D.J.D., but ends up locating their base camp, rather than their ship. He is also quick to realize that he has been followed by Ten, who has been desperately trying to help all this time, but has been repeatedly ignored and told off by Rodimus. An exasperated Ravage pulls a dirty move, asking Ten to stand up; immediately upon doing so, the Legislator is spotted by the Decepticons below, and they come charging up the hill to attack him. With Ten serving as a distraction, Ravage heads down to the base camp, certain he can smell a ship somewhere...

Back at the fortress, the other Autobots finally notice Ten's absence, and discover a message he has left for them: a pile of the Necrobot's spark-flowers, sitting next to the storm-shield generator, alongside a drawing of Trailcutter. The message is clear—Ten has realized that the flowers can be used to power up the shield!

Ten fights bravely, but is blasted, burned, blinded, and even loses limbs to the relentless Decepticon horde. Before the fatal blow can be struck, however, salvation arrives in the form of the occupants of the ship Ravage detected... Ratchet and Drift have returned!


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TRANSFORMERS: MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE #51B Nick Roche Subscription Variant Cover (SUB)
9.4 8.0 6.0 5.0 2.0
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TRANSFORMERS: MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE #51-RI Livio Ramondelli Variant Cover (RI). Limited 1 for 10.
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