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A robot duplicate of General Ross under the control of the Leader prepares a Mark Twelve Sonic Depressor to use against the Hulk before President Nixon and Spiro Agnew. When an airplane carrying the Hulk arrives at the airport, Ross has the device turned on to a level that will eventually kill the Hulk. Horrified by this outcome, Betty Ross goes to confront her father and catches the impostor talking to it's master, the Leader. The Ross robot then strikes Betty, but then the Hulk smashes through the wall and destroys the Ross robot. Confused by everything, the Hulk is rallied by Doc Samson to fight an army of the Leader's robots. These robots pile on each other and merge into a giant robot that attempts to bombard the Hulk with a lethal blast of Gamma Rays. Initially weakened the Hulk is about to be destroyed when Doc Sampson gets between the blast and redirects it back at the robot, causing feedback that makes the Leader's control device blow up in his face knocking him out. With the leader defeated, Ross and Talbot manage to escape from their imprisonment just before the Leader's secret base explodes. As this is happening, the Hulk battles and defeats the giant robot causing it to split apart into it's various components. With the Leader's plot foiled, everyone notices that Doc Samson has reverted back to his original form, having lost his super-powers as a result of the Gamma Rays he was exposed too. Confused by everything, the Hulk leaps away in frustration.
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