Beat Me in St. Louis... Merged with his "offspring," the Termini, Terminus is now a 300-foot colossus bent on destroying the Earth, and the Avengers East and West teams join forces with the self-appointed Great Lakes Avengers to combat him, but to no avail. Meanwhile, Thor, his hammer incorporated into the body of the monstrous menace, has been left adrift in space. Reaching a small planetoid, the Thunder God recites Asgardian runes reactivating the spell which makes Mjolnir always return whence it was thrown, and Terminus has pulled off the Earth with several Avengers in tow. The alien giant's lance is also his means of locomotion, so when the heroes wrest it away and hurl it into deep space, Terminus is forced to "feed" on his own energies to sustain himself and swiftly implodes. Fortunately, Thor's hammer escapes the resulting black hole, enabling the Asgardian Avenger to transport his teammates home. -LCG
Acts of Vengeance Epilogue