Ghosts! Lois Lane is having a horrible nightmare about not being able to save Superman, when Perry White phones her telling her that Metropolis is flooding. Down in the underground tunnels, the Underworlders are trying to get to higher ground. The Newsboy Legion, likewise, tell Guardian and Dubbilex about the flooding, and are disturbed to see Superman's body being experimented on.
Jonathan and Martha return to Smallville. Jonathan is still grieving heavily from the loss of his son and begins losing himself in memories.
The Underworlders figure out that a Cadmus explosive charge is to blame for the flooding. With the likes of the Superman cult and the various women who have come out as Superman's "love", Lois wishes there was some way to preserve his legacy.
In Gotham City, Alfred mentions the flooding to Batman and both men agree Metropolis could use Superman. Looking at the kryptonite ring in the Batcave, Batman wonders if he should get rid of it, but decides against it because of it's symbolism of Superman's trust in him.
Lois comes across Maggie Sawyer at Centennial Park, who tells Lois about the previous night's events. A short time later the Underworlders find Lois and give her definitive proof that Cadmus is to blame for the flood and they have Superman's body. Lois and the Underworlders invade Cadmus to take back the body. The Newsboy Legion comes along to help, but the alarm is triggered before they can move the body. Lois has enough proof to write a story about the whole events, in a way to do something to honor the Man of Steel.
In Smallville, Jonathan Kent reads Lois' story. His feelings of the inability to protect his son cause Jonathan to have a heart attack in Martha's arms.