Evil Is the Earth-Shaker! fter a date to the movie gone wrong, and another day at school, Richard Rider returns home to hear a television news announcement that Marvel Comics is seeking out Nova because they are interested in doing a comic book based on him. At the Marvel Comics office he meets with Marv Wolfman and Sal Buscema who want to follow him on an adventure.
They get their wish when Tyrannus terrorizes the surface world once more with a boring device, prompting Nova to go into action. He battles Tyrannus and his Tyrannoids, and destroys his Earth-Shaker device. With Nova capturing Tyrannus and his plot destroyed, Tyrannus agrees to leave peacefully.
Returning back to the Marvel Comics office, the impressed Marv and Sal try to sell the idea of a Nova comic book to Stan Lee himself. However, Stan thinks that Nova is too young for his own comic book series and rejects the proposal. The proposal is also rejected in lieu of a new series that Stan greenlit: Mida the Million Dollar Mouse. Nova departs the Marvel Comics office figuring the whole episode is just another example of the Rider luck.