THE ASSASSIN ACADEMY! * "ANT MAN" (Scott Lang) Guest Appearance
Scott Lang, dressed in his Ant-Man costume, is fixing connections inside his daughter's Rom doll when he hears her shout that she is home. Fortunately, he has just finished welding the final connection with his portable laser torch, so he quickly climbs out of the doll's innards and enlarges to human size. Cassie will kill him, he muses, if he does not have her toy fixed as promised. When she finds him, he is wearing only a towel, as if he had just taken a shower. She explains that her teacher, Ms. Buckman, let the class out early so they could practice a new recipe learned in home economics, and she will make it—pretzels and cheese—for dinner. Not too thrilled with this prospect, Lang tells Cassie to play with her Rom doll for a while, and when she departs, he quickly stows away his Ant-Man gear. Later that evening, as Cassie serves the promised meal, the doorbell chimes, and Lang invites Gus Sweezer, an old prison cellmate, inside. Sweezer remembers Lang as the only inmate who did not treat him like a "dumb pug," so in return, he wants to let him in on a new criminal operation he is involved in. Sweezer explains that someone is actually paying people to commit crimes, with regular paychecks regardless of their success or failure. There is even on-the-job training, says Gus proudly. Lang explains that he already has a steady job in electronics and has left crime behind forever, and Sweezer appears quite disappointed. Cassie invites Gus to dinner—pretzels and cheese are his favorites, he says—but he declines because he has to return to the city.
As Sweezer leaves the Lang place, he thinks to himself that the guards at the dorm would certainly be angry if they discovered he had left without permission. Then, suddenly, a car screeches around a corner behind him. Before he can jump out of the way, it slams into him and speeds away. The next morning, as Lang sits down to coffee, he reads in the Daily Bugle that Gus Sweezer was run over last night.