The DEATH Of Mike Murdock! Trapped in his own personal limbo, Daredevil tries to find a way to pull himself out by increasing his momentum. Meanwhile in New York, Foggy continues his crusade to learn who is the scientist backing the Unholy Three with their T-Rays, while the partially restored Debbie Harris tries to contact Foggy (to no avail). Foggy's research gets him captured by the Unholy Three and taken to the Exterminator.
Daredevil manages to pull himself out of limbo and goes after Foggy and finds the lair of the Unholy Three. During the battle Daredevil sets off the T-Ray device causing a large explosion seemingly killing the Exterminator. Wanting to be rid of his Mike Murdock identity, Matt allows Foggy to believe that Daredevil died in battle. With the machine's destruction, Debbie returns to normal. Later Matt Murdock and Karen Page go for a walk and discuss the apparent end of Daredevil.