July 1987 USA NEWSSTAND EDITION 318 Collected
Classic X-Men #11B
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July 1987
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Crossovers / Story Arcs
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 The Fall of the Tower 
This story is a reprint of the comic X-Men #103.

At Cassidy Keep in Ireland (Banshee’s ancestral home), the Juggernaut and Black Tom Cassidy have defeated the X-Men, save for the absent Cyclops. During the skirmish, a group of leprechauns (!) took an unconscious Nightcrawler away through a secret passage.

Nightcrawler revives and is shocked to find himself surrounded by what he thought were mythical creatures. Eamon O'Donnell is there as well and explains that the little people have been under the care of the Cassidy family for generations. Eamon explains further that Juggernaut and Black Tom had only come to the castle just recently. They had been hired by Erik the Red to lure the X-Men into a trap, and their ultimate goal (as per Erik’s orders) is to kill Professor X. To this end, they forced Eamon into servitude by taking the leprechauns hostage.

The little people relate how when they found Nightcrawler partially in shadow, his body was nigh invisible. Nightcrawler is surprised himself by this previously unknown ability of his and hopes he can use it to his advantage. Just then, another leprechaun warns him that Black Tom and Juggernaut have the other X-Men prisoner in a laboratory. Nightcrawler asks the leprechauns to lead him there.

In the lab, Juggernaut and Black Tom have the defeated X-Men contained in specially prepared shackles to neutralize their mutant abilities. Black Tom is just about to torture Storm with his neuronic tangler glove. Nightcrawler teleports into the room and uses his image inducer to make himself appear like Charles Xavier. Juggernaut charges at what he believes to be his step-brother, but finds him nimbler than he remembered. Black Tom sees through the ruse, however, and attacks Nightcrawler as well, subduing him. One of Juggernaut's punches accidentally smashed a hole in the castle wall to the outside, however, and Storm (who has a connection to the natural world) summons the willpower to break her inhibitor device and create a tornado to suck herself, Wolverine and Colossus out into the open air. Banshee, muzzled to prevent him from screaming, remains a prisoner, however.

Colossus frees Wolverine from his bonds and the leprechauns quietly remove Nightcrawler from the rubble. Black Tom and Juggernaut take Banshee to one of the castle towers and threaten to kill him if the other X-Men don't try to rescue him. Aided by the leprechauns, Storm, Wolverine and Colossus each fight their way up the ramparts from a different direction, but the tower is rigged with many weapons to keep them at bay. In the middle of this, while separated from his teammates, Wolverine is surprised when a leprechaun calls him by his real name, Logan. The little person will not explain how he knows it, save to say that “We little people know a LOT o’ things!”

While Tom and Juggernaut are distracted by the frontal assault, Nightcrawler sneaks up his own way and frees Banshee from his bonds, including the muzzle. Banshee cuts loose on the two villains with a powerful sonic scream. Black Tom lunges at his cousin, but Banshee flips him and sends him careening off the tower and down into the ocean below. Concerned for his friend, the Juggernaut abruptly abandons his fight and dives in after him, vowing that if Tom dies he will come after the X-Men and finish them.

Later and elsewhere, Erik the Red reports back to his master concerning his minion’s failure to defeat the X-Men. The shadowy master expresses his disappointment with Erik. But Erik vows that his next scheme will not fail. He intends to use unleash the X-Men's most deadly foe of all upon them: Magneto!


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