Following the arrival of the Beyonder in the middle of their fight with Alpha Flight at the West Edmonton Mall, the members of Omega Flight flee the scene. Out in the parking lot they run into former Gamma Flight recruit Madison Jeffries. Jeffries wants to try and bring the Omegans in for attacking Alpha Flight and uses his mutant power over all things metal and mechanical to turn a car into a robot.
Delphine Courtney orders the Omegans to attack Jeffries even though Jeffries warns them against it. His robot defender easily knocks aside Diamond Lil whom Jeffries rushes to her side. The robot then easily dispatches Wild Child before turning it's attention to Courtney. Unable to defend herself due to the fact that she is still effected by the gunk that Shaman covered her in, she grabs one of Flashback's future selves and uses him to shield her from a blow from the robot.
It kills Flashback's double and causes Flashback to collapse realizing that he could die at anytime in the future when his past self plucks him out of the future. Madison then reveals to the others that Courtney is really a robot that has been manipulating them by using his powers to cause the robot to violently throw up it's mechanical inner workings. With their leader defeated, Omega Flight is left in the care of "Rover" while Madison goes to round up the members of Alpha Flight to take the Omegan's into custody.
Madison walks in just as the Beyonder has finished pulling Talisman out of Shaman's bag and before Northstar can impulsively attack, Heather orders the other members of Alpha Flight to stand down. With his repayment to Alpha Flight done, the Beyonder teleports away to return to his previous location