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How to get rid of my collection?

I'm looking for some advice on how to get rid of my collection. Not sure if it makes sense to sell for cash or donate for tax purposes.

Short version:

Does anyone have any experience or thoughts on the best way to unload a collection all at once?
I know there are services out there that buy collections but I don't know if my collection is something they want. Virtually nothing in my collection is pre-80's.
Are appraisals expensive? Do most cities have local appraisers that could do that?

Long version:
I have about 15 longboxes of comics bagged and boarded from the 80's, 90's and 00's that I'm trying to unload. Mostly Marvel and DC in those periods (mutants, Spider-man, Batman, etc) but also lots of Image and some other indies. Some desirable stuff in the mix but also lots of run-of-the-mill issues. I just uploaded 1 box of random issues over the last few days into my collection so that's going to take some time to get it all in there.

I subscribed to this site as a way to get a rough idea of my collection's value and to have some sort of electronic tracking of what I have in case I needed it.
I've been entering everything as 9.4 as a baseline unless I know it's lower. Nothing has been professionally graded. Most of them were carefully read at most once and then bagged and boarded and stored in a box.

I want to get rid of the whole collection at once and I don't want to part out stuff to sell unless it's really really worthwhile to do that. The thought of bargaining with someone about the condition of a particular issue after the sale is the last thing I want to do.

I am well aware that the buy/sell prices of my collection are not the same and the value assigned to my collection on this site is not what I could sell it for. Is there a baseline % I can use to say roughly what my collection is worth based on the valuation assigned by this site? 20%? 30% More? Less?

I was told by my accountant that if the value of the collection is over $5K, it needs an independent appraisal if I want to donate it and get the tax benefit.

Thanks in advance for any advice