When to replace bags and boards Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 26


Posts: 26
My comic shop owner told me that bags and boards should be replaced every five years or so, so that the acids don't affect the book and potentially discolor or deteriorate them. Is that true? I have a lot of books and it would be a huge chore, not to mention really pricey. Perhaps I should just go through them and pull the valuable ones...
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Posts: 459


Posts: 459
Mylar is definitely the way to go if your planning on keeping your books for a long time. Their cost is more (around 3X as much) but in the long run, well worth it. I've got about a quarter of my 6500 books in Mylar. (so far wink ) Go with regular poly for your temporary or cheaper books.
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Posts: 487


Posts: 487
Mylites and mylars are the way to go as long as you also use a Full or Half back. Regular boards are only buffered on one side or have a thin coating on both sides and that buffer is almost always spent by the time you open and use them.

Now polypropylene and polyethylene bags and regular boards can last a long time but it is going to depend a lot on your storage environment. If it is hot or humid the bags will need replacing far more often than a proper dry, dark, and cool environment. I swap bags as they are needed and that can vary widely from a few years to a decade or more.

The most important thing before worrying about bags is to have good control over the comic environment. If you don't give them a good storage environment it really doesn't matter at all what you store them in. Keep in mind some of the best old pedigrees were not stored in bags and boards for a good portion of their life. What they did have was good environmental conditions.
edited by Oxbladder on 3/19/2017
edited by Oxbladder on 3/19/2017
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Posts: 157


Posts: 157
Defiant1 wrote:
If you buy Mylar from E. Gerber or Bill Cole, you are getting good stuff either way. Buy their backing boards too.

rixmaxx wrote:
Mylar is definitely the way to go if your planning on
keeping your books for a long time. Their cost is more (around 3X as
much) but in the long run, well worth it.

Oxbladder wrote:
and mylars are the way to go as long as you also use a Full or Half
back. Regular boards are only buffered on one side or have a thin
coating on both sides and that buffer is almost always spent by the time
you open and use them.

I WAS going to reply to this question, but they've already said it all. I buy E. Gerber's "Mylites2" bags and halfback boards.
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