Doctor Strange Messages in this topic - RSS

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Posts: 298
Disney/Marvel has another winner with Benedict Cumberbatch's "Doctor Strange" movie. This movie stays pretty close to the original comic. Of course, the Ancient One is now a woman played by Tilda Swinton. The original arrogance of Stephen Strange is still intact at the beginning of the movie as it was in his comic book origin. Somehow he still makes it to Tibet to find the ancient one and Mordo is also there as an advanced student of the Mystic Arts.
A slight departure is the romantic interest of a fellow doctor named Christine Palmer. This Christine Palmer is causing the comic book Night Nurse to go up in value as speculators can only hope that she will make more appearances in other Marvel/Disney ventures. With the PC world we live in she could no longer be just a nurse and is now a doctor. This also happened with Jane Foster in the Thor movies
This movie is alive with CGI and viewers will be very satisfied with all the dimensions and portals that Doctor Strange passes through to vanquish the villains. Some of the CGI that causes buildings to bend and twist will remind some of the movie "Inception." Apparently the powers-that-be are not worried anymore about getting their dollars worth repaid to them in a Marvel superhero movie's box office return.
If I have one gripe it is that the villain is not a very worthy opponent for Doctor Strange to fight. It is obvious by the movie's end that the main villain from the Doctor Strange's comic is being saved for a future movie. And there is mention of an infinity stone which would tie this movie into the regular Marvel Universe. There were mentions of the superhero Marvel Universe before this though.
As for the usual, Stan Lee makes an appearance which supposedly will be his last in a Marvel movie. When the ending credits flow there is a pause in the middle and some future revelations are made and then at the very end of the credits another revelation for the future of Doctor Strange is made.
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