Tomoe and SHI Comic question Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 73


Posts: 73
if anyone here is familiar with the independent comics Tomoe and SHI, I have an interesting question regarding Tomoe issue #1.
The inner cover states that it is in fact listed as comic book SHI: way of the warrior #6. Now how does one actually look this up, grade or price check it, and was this meant as a crossover that was not quite clearly explained cover wise, or is this a misprint for this issue? it says its a Prelude, but the actually issue for SHI way of the warrior #6 came out in 1994, while the first issue of Tomoe#1 came out in 1995. I just wanted to know how this worked. I never noticed it before and it is part of the first set of comic books that i started collecting when i was younger, i just now am categorizing and noticing things much closer as i've gotten older. any clue as to why this issues inner cover is printed like this would be awesome and appreciated for clarificationsmile

Thank you!
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Posts: 459


Posts: 459
The first Shi book came out in 1994, that much is correct. Her first appearance however was, Razor Annual #1, published Dec 1993. Tomoe's first appearance was in Shi: Way of the Warrior #6, it was published in Sept 1995 and came out with both covers, Shi: Way of the Warrior #6 and Tomoe #1 (as well as variant covers) Same book, two different covers. You can look it up under either name, they're both worth $2.82 in NM .......Tomoe takes up the Shi mantle for a time, they are one and the same, hence the book being one and the same. I guess you could call it a true crossover. Hope this helps. -Rick
edited by rixmaxx on 9/19/2016
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