CGC refuses to grade Jungle Fantasy nude variants Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 5


Although Boundless can get the books graded my batch was sent back with no explaination given. Just a heads up to those that want to get their nude variants graded gonna have to use alternate graders.
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Posts: 487


Posts: 487
There are a number of reasons they may not grade books so unless you get an actual reason you cannot assume it it the nudity alone that they did not grade them.

Boundless may have had an arrangement with them to get a certain number graded.
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Posts: 5


Intially CGC did not and would not give a reason as to why my books would not be graded. I talked to a CGC rep at Long Beach Comic Con and he said that CGC will not grade comic's with penetration showing on cover. So not nudity.......not sure if this helps anyone or not.....frustrated me though, not sure why they don't share that info though. I did contact Boundless to see if they had a special arrangement once I saw they were selling 9.8 CGC'ed books in the back advertisement and they said no exclusive deal and were curious as to why my books weren't graded.
edited by Tera_Patrick_Fan on 9/29/2016
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