War Dogs starring Jonah Hill Messages in this topic - RSS

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"War Dogs" is a very good movie. It has a sort of narrative flow that reminds me of "The Big Short" film by Adam McKay. Kind of has that same plot also...two over their head guys chasing big money. In this case the actors are Jonah Hill and Miles Teller. Jonah Hill's character is a fearless sociopath who just plows ahead no matter if it is safe or not. Miles teller's character is just along for the ride and hoping everything turns out for the best.
These young men were the best of friends in junior high and had gotten separated in early adult life and are now reunited in the business of supplying weapons to anyone in the world who is willing to pay. Eventually they land their biggest client that turns out to be the Pentagon. Soon they are following their money and weapons through Middle Eastern countries to ensure their profit.
Jonah Hill, looking more like an overweight Chris Farley, charges through his role and should be up for Oscar consideration.
Bradley Cooper has a small part as a low-key weapons magnate who, like the young men, is interested in keeping an eye on his profits.
This is a very entertaining movie and moves along swiftly with its plot. If you enjoyed "The Big Short" then you will enjoy "War Dogs."
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on the list to go and check out..
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