Ghostbusters starring Melissa McCarthy Messages in this topic - RSS

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I had misgivings about seeing this movie. There was internet talk that this current version of "Ghostbusters" with an all-female cast had problems. Regardless of what was said, this movie is alright. It is not as good as the original, but anybody that sees it will probably find it very acceptable. Probably part of this is there is so much from the original that pops up in here from costumes, to the emblem, and to guest stars from the original movie that it will all seem very familiar. Even the original theme the never plays for long, seems to keep popping up throughout the film and even supplants Fall Out Boy's new version of Ghostbusters in the opening credits.
Melissa McCarthy is still losing weight and has to wear bulky clothing, as she did in her previous movie, "The Boss," to hide this fact . I guess this is due to the popular opinion that fat people are generally seen as funnier than thin people. Kate McKinnon, who plays the scientific brain in the group, appears to have been allowed to ad-lib some of her routines for the movie. Some work and some don't. What I mean is sometimes she will do something and you will just scratch your head as to why she did it.
Be aware, that in the first 5 minutes there is a tribute/appearance of the dead Harold Ramis. So if five minutes passes and you have not noticed it, then you missed it. All the original members, except for Rick Moranis, pop up somewhere later in the movie. Stay for the end of the credits as there is another scene which indicates there will probably be a sequel.
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Posts: 22


Thanks, this is one movie that should never have been re-initiated on the celluloid... What is even more entertaining than this critique is the Chinese Government has strictly forbidden this Movie from being shown due to it promotion of "Cults and Superstition" LOL
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