Plastic or waterproof comic storage boxes Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 4


Posts: 4
Gilgandra wrote:
Rey22 wrote:
Hi, guys. Signed onto the site just to ask a question here. Anyway, I was wondering about moisture-proof containers myself, since I live in a humid area and I've had some dealings with humidity damage and my trade paperbacks.

What do you guys think of this box:

Stumbled across it by accident. To be clear, I was thinking of putting trade paperback books in it. Do you think it would do the job or would there be the gas problem mentioned before? A moisture-proof case would be amazing in case the power goes out and I can't run a dehumidifier.

A good mate of mine gave me these pics of 2 different carboard storage boxes. One with thin and other thicker carboard.
Just a reference for you to look at.
I use Comic Defence Boxes. I have them up to 5 high with no problems, There very strong.
Hope that helps.

Not really. I was just interested to know what you guys thought about that container, and whether it would have the same gas problem mentioned by Oxbladder.

EDIT: Nevermind. I just saw that under "Materials", it listed glass (presumably the fiber glass mentioned in the title) and PVC. Not sure if the PVC is on the surface or some inner layer, but as I have learned that PVC is bad for comic storage, this box is out. Shame.
edited by Rey22 on 9/12/2021
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Posts: 8


Posts: 8
I would suggest what I transitioned to a while ago. I use 4 drawer legal size filing cabinets. Highly water resistant from spills, rain, sprinkers, etc....not water proof. Also, they are elevated so 3-4" of water on the floor would not come in contact with the books. The drawers are SOLID and designed to take the load. You can put 2 rows of book in one drawer and one 4 drawer cabinet will hold approximately 1800 comics. Easy to find used ones on Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist. Don't even try to buy a new one or cheap version. Get a real industrial/commerical grade one. Only thing you need to do is add some cardboard in the bottom, front, and back of the drawers which is easy to do.

edited by colorpit on 6/22/2022
edited by colorpit on 6/22/2022
edited by colorpit on 6/22/2022
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