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Posts: 151


Posts: 151
I'm so glad the forums are back. I always enjoyed seeing everyone's collections and showing off some of my finds. But since the site went down, I've kind of gone a bit nuts in terms of buying. I've been buying a bunch of collections lately. Taking what I want, selling my duplicates and just generally enjoying the thrill of the hunt. I actually spent $1900 on a collection recently, loaded with Avengers and Uncanny X-Men that I needed. But I think I'm getting ahead of myself.

For those that don't remember or just never saw, my name is Doug, I'm 32 and live in Vancouver, Canada. I started collecting in about 1991 with the Ninja Turtles, then moved on to Spider-Man, X-Men, Avengers (one of my long time favourites), and some nice Sci-Fi titles like Killraven. I have a pretty eclectic collection thanks to going to my local store pretty much every week for over a decade. I only recently got back into collecting, and over the summer, I discovered the value that comes from buying collections. As a result, my collection has almost doubled in size this year and I've gotten some pretty odd stuff. It helps that I've gotten my girlfriend into collecting, too.

Right now, I have almost 11,000 comics in my collection, some 3000 of which came since the site went down. I've beefed up my runs of Avengers, Batman, Uncanny X-Men and even have an almost complete collection of New Teen Titans now.Seriously, I'm only missing one issue of the first series and not an expensive one. It's actually to the point that I had so much stuff to show off from recent acquisitions, that it would have almost have been easier to start my thread over. At this point, I'm going to need to get the new stuff in new bags and boards so it can get properly sorted into my collection, so getting some more scans together would be pretty easy.

But until that happens, here are some of the things I already have scanned:

This was a gift. It's not in great condition, but still... I thin I have it graded at 3.5, but it might grade a bit higher.

This was a collection purchase where I actually felt like I ripped the guy off. I bought a long box with a bunch of Daredevil in it along with a box of random stuff. Total cost was $55. But the box had a virtually complete run from Daredevil #168-#330. I have this one in about 9.0.

This was part of my brother's collection. Not sure where he got it, really.

I bought this off eBay, years ago. Paid $26 according to my database.

And let's close with some Batman...

That cost me cover price.

More will be coming soon. Like... when I get a handle on my collection again. I've started selling my duplicates at conventions, which frees up a little space.
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Posts: 42


Posts: 42
Nice! My bro has a Giant Sized X-Men 1 and #94.
Sounds like up north there are still good stuff to be had. Here in Texas things are drying up or getting crazy expensive.
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Posts: 151


Posts: 151
So, I haven't posted anything in a while, mostly because I haven't actually bought anything in a while. I did buy a few things at one con I worked, but that was a while back and that was the last of it. Not because I'm not interested. I am. But because I had a larger expense that was taking priority. At the moment, I am in New Jersey visiting Kairi. I know she doesn't post a lot, but she is a spam killing machine. Anyway, she just graduated from university and while she and I were together with her parents and family, it seemed like a great time to ask her to marry me.

She said yes.

So... that's the reason for no updates. I've been spending money on an engagement ring and plane tickets rather than comic collections.
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