"Event" books Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 4


Posts: 4
Hi all,

Remember back when 'events' in Marvel or DC MEANT something? I do, and I really don't think an event every year or so, or a 'new' #1 actually deserves all the hype the companies put out.

Examples (not chronological)
Amazons Attacks
Crisis on Infinite Earths
Final Crisis
Secret Wars (the original), Secret Wars II
Blackest Night
Death/Reign of the Supermen
Cap's 'Death' and recovery, and loss of Super Soldier Serum, two 'new' Captain America
Batman's 'Death' and recovery, and memory loss, a 'new' Batman
Original SINS
Ultimate universe and 616 universes mixing in the films and comics now
New 52 and Tim Drake is no longer a Robin
Thor losing his hammer, and/or worthiness to hold and wield Mjolnir, giving rise to Beta Ray Bill, Thunderstrike, the 'red haired' Thor, and now Jane Foster...

Anyone have anymore 'events' that they feel weren't worth the time and money? Don't get me wrong, but I liked a few of the above events, some were 'meh', but I felt a few were just not worth my time/money. Especially when it comes to variant covers!

Are these 'earth' and/or 'universe' changing events, or are they just for a temporary bump in interest and sales while waiting for the new films?
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Posts: 239


Posts: 239
I think it'll be interesting to see how the universe reboots ultimately affect the perceived value of these old events. If the Universe reboots and they recycle a lot of these, I can see the importance of them being somewhat diminished. But if the events never repeat themselves, they could be looked at as lost classics of a foregone timeline.
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Axis ( Marvel Comics )
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Posts: 241


Posts: 241
My view on this was that, as each story or plot-line came to be they would name it on the covers to differentiate beginnings and endings of said "events" or story arcs giving new readers an arbitrary "starting -off point" to jump into comic reading.

Then having noticed that clear starts and stops to story lines sold better it quickly de-volved into a gimmick whereby they could boost sales by hyping aforementioned "events" thus creating the letdown experienced by readers who bought/read them.

Not to mention change-ups and reinventions brought on by creator/bullpen line-up changes. I'm not saying DC never did it but marvel was/is pretty infamous for switching staff sometimes mid-story for many reasons. Firings, financial reasons, creative differences, lawsuits and I'm sure many more reasons.
edited by expander on 1/16/2016
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Posts: 487


Posts: 487
I stopped caring about most events since Secret Wars 2. It was a slightly different time back then and not all events were done to try and sell more books. Some were done to actually modernize or fix issues with overall continuity. I think they do do too many events but at the same time I don't let it bother me. I simply avoid them, especially if it is an overall continuity thing. I don't really care too much about overall continuity unless it affects characters or teams I read.

Both Marvel and DC would probably sell more books across the board if they cut out the continual events and mini events and just focused on ensuring that they had good stories running across the board and work from there.

Few years back Marvel did this with the X-Men titles and they had several really good stories running then once but also had to keep on their toes and pay attention to the fact that certain series would merge in a mini event. They did one or two of these a year and there were some spectacular reads in there (Necrosha, Second Coming, etc). They then lost some focus to try and match DC's new 52 stuff and then carried away with relaunches. there were still good reads in there but they definitely lost their focus on having strong tiles across the board and mindful writing that flowed.

I would like to see a reduction in events and a focus on individual titles for at least a few years before they get back into event cycles. Marvel just keeps mixing and relaunching and offing diminishing stability of titles and DC's continuity is just totally b0rked. It makes as much sense as Marvel continuity before they decided to fix everything with the first Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars.
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