Planet of the Apes: Fall of Man Sampler artist Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 2532


Posts: 2532
so on this Marvel creator submission by pittlw, he has E.M. Gist as cover artist, and glorkar noped it, and I yupped it. E.M. Gist's signature is on it, on the gray brick under the ape's left foot (when looking at it). for some reason neither GCD, mycomicshop or the league note Gist as cover artist either, just Cassara, but Gist signed it. other places like Goodreads credit Gist for the cover. It looks to be a painting too, so not sure Cassara had any part of it, and there's no JDC sig on it. I checked GCD to see if Cassara went by any other names, and nope, so dunno why everyone has him as cover artist and not Gist. Gist did other covers for various POTA comics and hardcovers too.

and are admins able to delete mistake submissions like this at the moment, since we can't?
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Posts: 38


Posts: 38
After I put Cassara and White as the cover artists by the indicia page and the following page with all the credits, I realized that this was an exact reprint of the 2023 1st issue, and the actual cover artist E. M. Gist was not credited anywhere inside. Fortunately he signed the cover art. I tried to delete the incorrect cover artists but could not remember the page I had to go to, nor able to find the message I got with that information. Sorry.
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Posts: 2532


Posts: 2532
yeah, I figured it was more of a publisher mistake on the credits page. at the moment (for over 2 weeks now), you can't delete the submission as that function isn't working, so either it will be noped off, or an admin, if there's any left working, can maybe remove it. save these directions if they get it fixed:
go to the page, under the appropriate tab, find the publisher name in the drop down menu, click that, and then find the title you want in the alphabet list, and then your submission, and you'll see a trashcan icon to the right of your entries that only you can use. Click that icon, then click Continue in the popup box. Then you can go to the issue's price guide listing and resubmit it. I usually open another tab and get the issue's CPG listing loaded up before I delete the sub, so then you don't have to do a title search again. Just reload the listing page so you can resubmit whatever needs it.
edited by collectibleshop on 8/7/2024
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Posts: 633


Posts: 633
I 100% did not see that sig. I swear I looked too. That's what they get for hiding it in the art :/
I was going off of the credits page for the book. Gist is not listed in it. Very odd. I get publishers screw things up, but that seems like a pretty big one.
Really wish I could trash my nope...
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Posts: 2532


Posts: 2532
my guess is that the editor decided to switch covers at the last second, and the credits page was already done, and they missed fixing it. I'd think Gist would not be happy about that. Or Cassara too, cuz it's not his art.
have not heard back from Casper about if admins can remove mistakes yet. would be nice if someone would update us on any progress on getting all the new glitches fixed.
on the pic upload prob, pghhead said he uploads his own scanned covers via a macbook air, and he's been able to submit pics, so apple software apparently still works for that. hope the programmer isn't out sick or something. I'll have to slow down on my mouse movements/clicks to stop making verify mistakes, but hard habit to break.
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Posts: 633


Posts: 633
It is a little strange that Ronbatman has been so radio silent about all the glitches. He's usually on top of letting the community know what's going on with that sort of thing.
I'll have to be more careful too. It wasn't something that we really had to worry about before since we could undo things so easily. I guess we're just playing for keeps now. Dun dun dun...
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