artist names Star Wars Doctor Aphra Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 2358


Posts: 2358 has the cover artist's 1st name as Stephen, but database and other issues say Steven.
and just for consistency's sake: has subtitle names as Ema Lupacchino, database says Emanuela Lupacchino. pick one. has the subtitle name as Josemaria Casanovas, and database says Jose Casanovas Jr.. pick one.
there's hundreds of those type inconsistencies, so could spend years on them, but try to get the staff to use what's in the database, or if a new creator, have it match the indicia and then the subtitle. I know that's how it's supposed to work, but constantly finding new issues/titles that have variation spellings between the database and subtitle, as well as older issues. Sometimes makes it hard to find the right name when there's no sig on the art or it's unreadable, and if there's more than 1 creator with the same last name. Then it adds time to go look it up on another site if I feel like it. Thanks.
Submitted a bunch of cover artists for this series, so anyone who wants to add to their rank can yup away. Under Marvel on the verify data page. plenty of other titles there with easy to verify creators too, so paw thru and get the list cut down a bit.
edited by collectibleshop on 3/12/2024
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Posts: 273


Posts: 273
I think part of the issue is that a lot of us can't see what's actually in the database at any time (we have to follow that same process of go in to an issue, click on add creator, etc...). So when we're approving variants or new issues, we just go with what the person submitted, or what we may "know" that person as... Inhyuk Lee is a perfect example, I know the DB has it as In-hyuk, but that's just not how he spells his name. smile
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Posts: 273


Posts: 273
But those 3 are fixed.
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Posts: 2358


Posts: 2358
I can see some of that, but someone on staff (not volunteer admins checking member subs) must type in the creator name for the subtitle for new comics, so if that's spelled wrong in the database when they search it and compare it with the indicia spelling (or do they even get to look at the new comics to do that?), then why isn't the database fixed then so it's correct? If Inhyuk is correctly spelled that way, then why is it still with a hyphen in the database? Been reported before.

Names that are already in the database should be the correct spelling when they're originally added, but I know some artists change their spelling or part of their name over time too. But how do you get from Josemaria Casanovas to Jose Casanovas Jr.? if his database name was in there before that Star Wars issue was entered, wouldn't the person doing the subtitle look there and use that, instead of making it Josemaria Casanovas, or has he changed his name to that in the indicia since it was 1st added? just wondering how that subtitle stuff works when the name is already in the database.
Also, why isn't the cover artist name filled in on the Creators list when the subtitle is done? I keep finding new and recent comics with all the creators filled in except the cover artist, yet their name is right there in the subtitle. I know it's redundant too, but not sure if someone is searching for what issues an artist worked on if the results will show ones that only have their name in the subtitle and not in that issue's creators list. I know all that's not your dept either smile
and should I and others continue to report these discrepancies? that may add up to quite a bit. you have no idea how many I've passed on reporting lately, so don't want overload things, but maybe we could have a dedicated Creator Names forum or stickied thread so people could post in one place.4
edited by collectibleshop on 3/13/2024
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