X-Cellent - A Review Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 565


Posts: 565
So I've never read a single issue of X-Static or X-Cellent before. Picked up issue 2 of X-Cellent for the spec (first appearance Billy McMullen).

Gotta say, that book is pure garbage. The art itself is, I guess okay. Not great, but I can get over it.
The writing is trash though. For some reason, every single character stutters at the beginning of practically every other line of dialog. Seriously. I-I'm n-not lying. It's really a-annoying.
There's more ways than a stutter to portray nervousness, fear or excitement.
Just looked up the writer. Peter Milligan. I personally haven't heard of him, but he's done a handful of books, some of them flagship titles (Batman, Detective Comics, X-Men). Not sure if he was better back in the day, but this was simply horrible.
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