Companies suddenly finding out of stock comics Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 298


Posts: 298
I was reading this comic book internet article about this one company that was putting some of their Comics that supposedly have been sold out, back online. Maybe I'm being overly suspicious, but I have the feeling these companies set these Comics aside in case they went up in value later. And since they probably did not go up in value they are now putting them back online in order to get rid of the backlog so they don't take too big a loss. I remember I always had suspicions about this other company a long time ago that did stuff like this. I would order items from them and I would never receive certain items until a long time had passed. And some items I never got. Eventually I figured out that the items I got were items the company figured were not going to go up in value so the company put through my order. And items I never got they were able to sell somewhere else for a profit over what they initially asked. By coincidence, after my reading the initial article, a friend of mine sent me a message talking about how he noticed a bunch of companies we're trying to get rid of their backlog. Not the company that I initially read about. So, buyer beware!
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Posts: 784


Posts: 784
I think a lot of retailers put a couple of issues aside for backstock but would not be surprised if some were hoarding.
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Posts: 430


Posts: 430
Some are preorders that get canceled or never picked up or if they get another shipment to replace the damaged ones, they received the first time. People all ways think that they are dirty for having something that was held back but it is not the intension. That is what happens a lot of the time. Not all stores do that.
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The way the Library of Congress cataloging system works, if certain conditions are met, publishers can reprint anything, as often as they like, up to 10 years later, without needing to put any indication that it's a second or subsequent printing or apply for a new ISBN/CIP number.

To do so, there can be no substantial changes to either the publisher or the work they are reprinting.

- Same publisher, same address.
- No update/changes to the original copyright date.
- Only the slightest changes to the dimensions of the printed work.
- No changes to interior or exterior art elements, color palettes.
- Only the slightest changes to inks, paper quality/type
- No changes to the indicia information.
- No changes to the price.
- No changes to the number of pages.

The most important part is being the same copyright holder as the original printing. If that changes hands, the work must be re-cataloged.

I don't know about DC, but Marvel's ownership was constantly being shuffled around year by year in the 60's and 70s. Not sure whether it was some form of tax avoidance or a way to sidestep debts to printer/distributors/artists, but because of those changes, they'd never be able to legally reprint their books within that 10 year window without proper notification and resubmission to the Library of Congress.
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These would be exactly as mentioned before these are copies from unclaimed orders or damage replacement. With the the more profitable companies they always have small over-runs to cover damages, promotion, etc. So you will see SOME issues released again as the requests for replacements diminish. They also don't make that much off these sales because they usually sell for cover if they sell directly to the market or less if it goes through the distributors. Retailers sometimes do hold back but not always to make profit. That's way too high risk a game to play unless you are one of the bigger retailers. Most can't afford to play this game.

Honestly? I have no idea why anyone should care. They are in the business to make money not make YOU money. That's what this boils down to. If you are getting upset that you missed out on book then that's on you because you have a two month lead time to reserve an issue at your LCS. There's at least one app out there that gives you big hints what to reserve weeks in advance.
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Posts: 487


Posts: 487
I made the above comment BTW. I got logged out.
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