Creator Nicknames Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 438


Posts: 438
I’ve been noticing some creators now having nicknames assigned to them (eg: “Kevin Senft ‘Blond”). I also have noticed nickname duplicates also created for them (eg: Blond). I think this is happening because looking up a creator by Nickname requires you to use the leading apostrophe (‘).

For example, if I want to find the Artist: Artgerm (as that might be what is in the credits), I wouldn't find them when adding to an issue using just Artgerm:

However, if I use the apostrophe, you can get the correct artist:

This works differently in the main creator lookup, which does allow for Nickname lookup:

So, this is just a tip. If you are using an Artist's Nickname when entering creators on an issue, try using the apostrophe if they don't come up without. I definitely recommend trying multiple search methods before creating new artists. This might be by Nickname, by Last Name, or best practice is a 3 3 partial search which is the first three of the first name and first three of the last name, separated by a space. That finds me a match 80+% of the time.

Hope this helps,
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