Origin Stories - Not Quite What You Thought Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 578


Posts: 578
Movies and Television have brought great exposure to comic books and characters. Marvel has done an amazing job introducing heroes and villains to a brand new group of people who may not have known they existed before.
Growing up, I followed certain characters, but was completely oblivious to others.
Here's my origin story surprise.
Star-Lord. Didn't know he was a thing until the movies came out.
Just got my hands on a copy of Marvel Spotlight #6. Let me just say, I was blown away by how different the origin story was.
Movie version (spoiler, but if you haven't seen it yet, that's on you!):
A god / sentient shapeshifting planet mates with a mortal on Earth. He leaves. She gives birth. Years later, he hires people to bring son to him. Couriers keep son and train him as a Ravager. Son kills father.
Book version:
Human looking spaceman crashes on Earth. Woman nurses him back to health. He leaves. She gives birth. Years later, spaceman's enemies come to Earth and kill woman. Kid grows up to be astronaut. In space, he is teleported to the god of the Sun. Sun god turns him into a Star-Lord. He can fly, breath in space, speak every language and has a gun that shoots elements. He was given a sentient, shape-changing thing that most often looks like and acts like a star ship.
Years later, the spaceman's enemies are attacking the Sun god. Star-Lord saves him, but he doesn't want to be saved. Turns out he's a lizard man himself. While he was making Star-Lord, he neglected his real job. Basically, his bosses fired him because he wasn't doing what he should be. So instead of a whole slew of Star-Lords, he was only able to make the one.
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