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Posts: 2378


Posts: 2378
In the last 3 years, we've experienced amazing growth, so we need to hire someone again. This is an in-person job located at our offices in Indianapolis. We are located in the historic Stutz building which has a great artistic vibe.

We need someone who is friendly and detail-oriented for this position. They will be handling all customer service inquiries via email, phone, and in-person. If a customer has an issue we want them to be happy. If a newbie asks a question that isn't well-thought-out, we want the answer to be friendly and kind. Other duties will include but are not limited to variant approvals, creator approvals, story approvals, UPC additions, social media, general office tasks, and value changes. Value changes will be much later in the process since that requires a lot of experience and training.

We offer a flexible schedule. You can arrive and leave anytime between 8 am and 5 pm. If your child has a program at school, we want you to go. We try to create an environment that is family-friendly and believe that everyone needs a good work/life balance. If you're running a few minutes late, you will not be in trouble with us. As long as you get your hours in and are working hard while here, we are good.

Some of the perks - We offer free snacks and drinks. We routinely get free comics. Our office is filled with comics and statues. We talk about comics, movies, and shows every day and consider it part of the job. We will occasionally get free lunches or dinners.

You will report directly to me. This is a 20 hour per week part-time job.

Contact me at ron (@) comicspriceguide.com - remove the spaces and () before emailing me.


PS - Please feel free to share this with anyone in the Indianapolis area or on social media
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