Dark Horse Comic Packs Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 45


Posts: 45
In the mid 2000's, Dark Horse provided Hasbro with a bunch of reprint issues for inclusion with action figure packs. I've got them all, but I can barely find any in the database.

The site has a couple of notable examples marked with a "-HASBR" suffix. One of them, the 'Heir to the Empire #1' reprint included with the action figures for Talon Karrde and Admiral Thrawn.

Here: https://comicspriceguide.com/titles/star-wars-heir-to-the-empire/1-HASBR/pkuymsw

The indicia for the book has the title of the book as "Dark Horse Comic Pack #25," followed with the alternate title "Heir to the Empire #1".

Needless to say, the guide value here on that particular issue could stand a significant correction, but I'm more curious about where I might find the rest of these variant/reprint books in the database, and there are dozens of them, numbered #1 through #57... The issue numbers on the covers correspond to the issue number that was on the original comic, but the indicia indicates it's a "dark horse comic pack #"

Here's a catalog of all the comic packs.


Are these books here somewhere listed in a way that I can't find 'em?
edited by RonBatman on 7/15/2021
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