Is CBPG Sales a time Sink??? Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 62


Posts: 62
So please bear with me as I have been trying to figure out how to name and explain this post... So my question is as far as comic sales go is our site a time sink more then profitable, and when I mean time sink, I mean how much time does the CBPG team spend on updating, maintaining, and monitoring the sale portion of this site that could be used on maintaining, verifying, and researching the main portions of our site such as Title Issues, Variants, pricing and so on. Being that sales on our site is a handy tool, just how effective is it up against online sale sites such as Ebay. The reason I bring up is rather often (especially if its a hot title) I will contact an individual on our site that has a title set to bid at a certain price range only to have them contact me to go to their page on Ebay where as always with that site is super inflated. I know this all looks like a jumbled mess as I'm site trying to figure out exactly how to word everything right and I apologize in advanced if this post makes no since. I'm just wondering if the sale portion was removed from here how much would Ron and team have to make our site more awesome. Thanks
edited by konungrcomics on 2/19/2021
edited by konungrcomics on 2/19/2021
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Posts: 2379


Posts: 2379
I can help, I think.

The sales portion of the site has sales every day. It is active and lively. We aren't as big as eBay obviously but we save sellers a ridiculous amount of money. I personally know sellers who make their entire living, selling here. Other sellers choose to use this as a way to improve their eBay sales. Still, others sell a few extras. The vast majority of the work with sales is automated so we don't usually have a hand in it. I step in when there is a problem that the buyer and seller cannot resolve. (Always use Paypal)
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