Batman Year 100 Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 28


Posts: 28
So, I finally read this title. I got it as the hardcover deluxe graphic novel. Now I kind of want to get the 4 individual issues for collection reasons. Lol.

The artwork is absolutely off the hook. I like it. The batsuit in this rendition strikes me as something that one would have put together on limited resources. This is a slightly gritty, resourceful Batman in a less than happy future. Pretty nifty premise. Also, Bats gets the crap knocked out of him more than once. Shows some vulnerability/humanity. I suppose that one could take the angle of expressing social concerns over waning privacy, and increasing police state in our current society. On the other hand, even if you remove the social commentary from it, it's just a fun story. I tend to like dystopian sci-fi type stuff.

I've never read anything by Pope before. This ranks up there as one of the more interesting Batman stories for me. I loved Frank Miller's Year One, and Dark Knight Returns. The Long Halloween, the Man Who Laughs, and Killing Joke were also very, very good. I have a number of others on my "to read" list.

Anyone else read this one? Anyone have theories on the identity of this Batman? I thought it was neat that this book referenced some of the other notable Batman stories over the years. Could Bruce's massive amounts of money bought him the ability to seriously slow down aging? Is it an adopted title? Is he the manifestation of Gotham's collective need? At the end he is called by Bruce. Legends never die? In this story the enigma seems to be more powerful, and more important than the man.
I also think the forums could stand to have a bit more discussion. Lol.
edited by shoggoth80 on 2/16/2016
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Posts: 487


Posts: 487
I have never been a big Batman fan but I do have and have enjoyed the Bat at different times. I haven't read this series but did Pope do the art too? I am a fan of his work.
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Posts: 28


Posts: 28
I believe he did.
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