Journey Into Mystery #83 Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 116


Posts: 116
This book is on the list of value changes, and it went up by around $9000 in 9.4. I own a copy that's I graded at 5.0. I also own a bunch of the other expensive books that went up in value on the current list, yet the value of my collection went down by $3,000. Anybody else experience this? I have some of the ones that lost value, too, but this is a gigantic swing backward when it shows the books going up.
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tarn kronos
tarn kronos
Posts: 45


tarn kronos
tarn kronos
Posts: 45
Hello Pthomas2010,

I also have a 5.0 J.I.M #83. My book is valued at 10,200 because its graded by CGC and I have my graded box checked...but If I did not check that box its considered RAW and the value is 3,251 less. Is it possible that somehow your issue got Unchecked? I'm sure you already checked but just thought I would try to help. Also, there is a dedicated place you can post missing issues or database errors...

Well anyways good luck and know you got a great comic.
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Posts: 2381


Posts: 2381
This kind of thing can easily happen. Let's say we increase the price of a book by $100 then see that it should be $95 up instead. We go back into the book and make the -$5 change. That book will show as a book that dropped in value because it only counts the last change. (the $5 drop and not the $95 increase) That usually means we are making minor modifications to the pricing.

I hope that helps,
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