That Girl - Season 5... dilemma upon dilemma Messages in this topic - RSS

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I was watching season 5 of the 1970 season of television series That Girl on DVD. It was interesting to see that even back then there was the dilemma of having a Caucasian person playing a Mexican with an funny accent. Of course, this was shortly after the Frito Bandito character had been put to rest because of complaints by some Mexican American groups. And it was so rare that a show like That Girl which was mainly comedy would break from the weekly routine and get serious. The character of Ann Marie, played by Marlo Thomas who also played an actress on the show, had this dilemma in a play she had a skit in. In the end, Ann Marie decides do not do it the day before the play was to open. So, the play opened without the skit as it was too late to replace her. Then the producers of the show received accolades from the Press for eliminating this questionable skit. At the end of the show Alejandro Rey who was part of a group of Mexican Americans lobbying to Ann Marie to not do it, comes by her apartment and tells her that the producers are going to pay the Mexican Americans and her anyway because they want to go along with the Press and make it seem like it was their decision. Ann Marie asked the question whether they should do it and Alejandro Rey says why not let's take the money and she agrees. By the way, Alejandro Rey who was the main Mexican character in the show was actually from Argentina and not Mexican in any way.
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Well, social justice on the show That Girl did not last that long. In the following episode it shows Ann Marie and her boyfriend at the airport waiting for an uncle. There are about three Japanese looking Asian guys in suits with cameras waiting for someone, also, apparently. Soon about three other Asian guys come through the gates and both groups start taking pictures of each other wildly. Ann and her boyfriend go through the gates trying to find her uncle and after about 5 minutes return with the uncle and then all the Asian guys start taking pictures of Ann Marie,her boyfriend and her uncle for no apparent reason. Soon they are all posing for all the Asian photographers. But these are just Asian stereotypes who always are depicted taking pictures as tourists. Like I said social justice did not last too long.
edited by colbalt91 on 7/28/2018
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