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Posts: 151


Posts: 151
I'm starting to collect the older stuff but I wont read them. The only reason I wont read them is I have this little quirk where I can't start in the middle of something and carry on as though there haven't been others before it. Same with films I have to do it all in order.

I suppose I can start a new arc on the original. I loved The Vision mini series where he tried to live a normal family life. Action comics are on my pull list at the mo but (never say never) a little too daunting thinking about reading all of them, if it's even possible to read them all. Are they on digital format somewhere?

I think I want to read some superhero stuff. Classics like Superman, Fantastic Four (really enjoyed Ultimate Spider-Man) etc etc. Not too fussed about Batman though will give it a go if recommended.

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Fantastic Four hasn't been produced in a while and a new number 1 is coming out. That might be a good place for you to jump in. When Bendis jumped over to Marvel he is reworking Superman starting with issue 1000. That also might be a good place to start reading. Man of Steel 1-6 came out recently as well. There are tons of number 1's that just came out.

I understand the watching movies in order but when a comic is on issue 600 or 800 it's impossible to read them all. (without years of reading) It's like jumping in a pool. It might be cold to your toes but when you cannonball into the pool, it's all good.
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Posts: 116


Posts: 116
Maybe this will help a little bit with your reading; Unless you go back to issue 1 of the first volume of a character (or whenever they appeared regularly in a book), you will always be coming into the story "in the middle". Even when Marvel or DC release all new #1's, the previous editions still have an effect on the character at some point as the story progresses. The easiest and most fulfilling way to read back issues is to learn what some of the classic stories are and read them. For many years, Marvel included notes in every issue when talking about past events, such as what issues they happened in and other info. For me, that always made me want to read the issues being referenced. It also has always been reassuring to me knowing that there are so many other stories I could read. Instead, people today seem to look at the back issues like they're a chore instead of more good comics to read. You just need to change your mindset a little bit.
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Posts: 151


Posts: 151
Just puta subscription in for FF AS and Superman. 👍
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