ASM 375 gold foil variant Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 35


Posts: 35
Just noticed that ASM 375 (holo cover) quintupled in value on CPG (due to the Venom movie announcement, and the fact that this is the first appearance of the Bride of Venom).
A bit optimistic, I would think, as ASM 375 is the Amazing Spider-Man issue with the highest print run, ever... but hey, maybe for a while speculation will keep the price high before eventually dropping down again (unless Ann Weying becomes a recurring key character in the films).

But that's not really my question: I have got the gold foil (non-holographic) variant of ASM 375, which on CPG is listed, but has remained unchanged at $4. I tried to google about the variant, but found nothing, apart from sales sites offering it.
Does anyone know:
- is it a parallel variant to the holo cover? (by which I mean, released at the same time, maybe one to comic shops, one to newsprint?) Or is one or the other the second edition?
- does anyone know about the print run? Apparently the print run for the holo variant was a staggering 1.1 million copies.
I wonder whether the gold cover copies were part of that run, or separate? And if the latter, whether they are rarer (or I guess I should say, less plentiful...) than the holo cover variant?
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Posts: 11


Posts: 11
I've got a pair of each, holo-cover & gold-cover. I haven't been following it as closely as you, but I assume everything Venom-related is going to get a bump as we get closer to the movie. ASM #300 has been climbing since the announcement too. Might want to look around and see if anyone has Venom: Sinner Takes All #3 in a bargain bin; I picked one up at a used book store that CBCS graded at 9.6.
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