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Posts: 8


Posts: 8
As some of you might know or not, there is a European Version of the CGC. One of it's advantages is, for us Europeans,that is far cheaper for us to send our "special" comics to them instead of the US. Also there is only one shop in whole Germany who does it.

My question is how much is the EGS Grade accepted amongst collectors? I have the J. Scott Campbell signed X-Men Gold #1 and X-Men Blue #1 and would love to them graded.
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Posts: 241


Posts: 241
I've not dealt with egs on a personal level but it's been my experience that most third party grading companies wouldn't be around very long if they didn't have a satisfied customer base who keep coming back to get their books graded.

As far as comparing the two the only way to see if they hold up the same standards would be to get a hold of two of the same books in the same grade and judge for yourself whether they come close. although there could be different reasons for a book getting the grade it gets one could have off white pages and a not so glossy cover giving it that 8.0 where another could have brilliant white pages but a crease in the cover that drags it down to the same 8.0.
all in all the beauty is in the eye of the beholder and if you like your egs books then stick with what works for you. ultimately you're the one who has to decide if the quality is up to your liking.....

Interesting topic though smile
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Posts: 5


EGS has those cool custom labels...have considered using them for non-important books that I just like the art and wanna hang on wall.
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