Axcending Following his final battle with Kraven the Hunter, Spider-Man goes after Vermin, who escaped during the battle. In the sewers below the city, Spider-Man begins to feel claustrophobic and fights off the fear caused by being buried alive recently. Crawling through a muck-encrusted pipe, the wall-crawler manages to get into a primary sewer tunnel. He stops to rest when suddenly, a rat bites his finger. Soon a horde of the rodents begins flooding out of the sewer pipes. As Spider-Man struggles to fight off the swarm of pests, Kraven's servants prepare his body for burial on the surface. While at Kraven's home, the police have arrived following an anonymous tip. Their search of the premises uncovers a written confession of Kraven's activities, plus photos proving that he briefly usurped Spider-Man's identity and was responsible for the serious of violent attacks on criminals.