WAR Against The GOD'S!! Incensed at the realization that he has been under Moondragon's mental control, Drax accompanies the Avengers as they race to confront the self-styled goddess, but Thor, now totally in Moondragon's thrall, battles his allies on her behalf. After a titanic struggle, the Avengers try to reason with the Asgardian, and he ultimately thwarts Moondragon's will by changing back into Donald Blake. When the heroes enter her temple, Moondragon withdraws her psychic presence from the minds of the Ba-Bani, allowing them to resume their warlike ways, thus regaining sufficient power to telepathically paralyze her attackers. Drax will not be denied, however, and he presses forward in a maddened rage, finally collapsing only inches from his goal. The effort needed to stop him forces Moondragon to release the others but before she can strike again, the Wasp resumes her normal size and deals her a knockout blow. As the Avengers return home, Dr. Blake administers to an ailing Drax, but the Destroyer is beyond help. Blake again becomes Thor and transports Moondragon to Asgard to face the judgment of Odin, while back on Earth, his teammates send the mind-goddess's ship aloft for the final time as a funeral pyre to honor DRAX.